吴沛恒 医师 Phy. Go Pei Heng
Dermatology, General Medicine
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
Guang Zhou University of Chinese Medicine
Mahkota HQ
吴沛恒 医师 Phy. Go Pei Heng
吴医师是善德中医坊主治医师,马来西亚拉曼大学中医系讲师,中国温病专业委员会会员。曾受邀担任NTV 7《活力加油站》,988电台的特别嘉宾,主要普及大众,解说中医中药知识。
Summary Profile
Mr. Go Pei Heng has over 5 years of medical experiences in clinical medicine. He is a member of China Epidermic Febrile Disease Committee, lecturer of Department of Chinese medicine in Universiti of Tunku Abdul Rahman.
He graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. He is a registered physician of Traditional Chinese medicine with the Ministry of Health of Malaysia and also a member of the Malaysia Chinese Medical Association. He is a doctoral student of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.
He has been invited to be a special guest of NTV 7 "Living Delight" to promote Chinese medicine knowledge and giving talks nationwide to promote Chinese medicine.