Cervical Spondylosis 中医治疗颈椎病!
Do you need to work under computer or use smartphone for a long period of time? If you are the type of person which categorized above, you might experience some of the symptoms such as: muscle tightness around neck and shoulder, radiating pain at upper limb, drowsiness, headache, chest pain, decreasing eyesight, imbalanced walking gait, numbness around the hand and etc. These are indicating that you might have cervical spondylosis. If you have symptoms that stated above, feel free to consult our professional team (which consisted of post-graduates and PhD) at Trimedic Healthcare Center. Cervical spondylosis can be treated effectively using various methods such as acupuncture, Tui-na, chiropractic, cupping, Zing treatment, acuputomy, traction, etc. It is suitable for person who are afraid and not afraid of needle.
您是否需要长期需要在电脑面前工作或低头伏案工作?还是属于那些机不离手的“低头族”? 假如您属于以上两种类别的人群,您很可能伴有一些症状如:颈肩部肌肉僵硬、上肢发生触电样的放射痛、头晕、头痛、恶心、胸部疼痛、视力下降、健忘、走路不稳、胸闷、手麻等,这对表示您可能患有颈椎病。 如您有以上所述症状者,可到善德中医坊免费咨询我们的中医专业团队。可以通过针灸、推拿、整脊、拔罐、净疗、刺络放血、刃针、微创、拉伸等多种疗法治疗,治愈颈椎病。适合怕针或不怕针的您!
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