SMJK & SRJK (C) Yu hua Kajang 100th Anniversary. 加影育华百年校庆义卖会!
On March 10th, Trimedic Healthcare medical team was participated in 100th anniversary carnival of SMJK & SRJK (C) Yu hua Kajang.. We provided chinese medicine treatment to the publish and raised funds for the school. The total funds raised will be fully donated to SMJK & SRJK (C) Yu Hua Kajang. as a school-building fund.
善德中醫坊醫療小團隊在三月十日有幸參與加影育華中小學百年校慶的義賣會義診,一方面為普羅大眾提供中醫治療,另一方面為學校籌款。在此感謝大眾對我們的支持, 讓我們更有動力, 做得更好。今天籌獲得的款項將會全數熱捐給育華中小學做為建校基金, 為華教出一點